Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Introduction of Myself

My name is Taylor Katelyn Holman and I am nineteen years old. This is my second semester here at Eastern has a freshmen. I am going into Secondary Education with a major in English and a minor in Creative Writing. I am the oldest out of four children, along with being the only girl. My experience thus far at Eastern Michigan University has been wonderful, even though it did have it's times where it was not the best. Luckily I love my roommate Jillian, she is my best friend and the sister I never had. We are always finding the humor out of anything, even the bad. Having a great roommate really helped me throughout the first semester and dealing with the stresses of adapting to living on campus, attending college classes, and joining the sorority Sigma Kappa.
In high school I was involved in all but two clubs at my small high school and found that even in college I could not stop being involved. Joining Sigma Kappa so far is the only organization I have become apart of,  but I still volunteer regularly with my sorority and by myself. Every other Friday night I volunteer at the church located right by the first year center, and also go to nursing homes close by. Besides volunteering, majority of my time is spent reading, going to youth groups, listening to music, and spending time with my close friends. College has really given me many opportunities to branch out and develop into being a little less shy.
This is not my first time being in a creative writing class, in high school my senior year I took one. Absolutely fell in love with it instantly. From that experience I developed the habit of writing free verse poems randomly. One of the items on my bucket list is to one day write and have a novel  published. One of the books that was required for us students to read in my high school creative writing class (which i eventually bought and fell in love with) was the how to write a novel titled "Bird by Bird." This book received this title due to a personal story the author had about her younger brother waiting until the very last minute to write a paper on birds found in Europe. This leads into the tattoo I have on my right foot of a dove that symbolizes as my reminder of this goal, and to always live life bird by bird. This translates into always taking one thing at a time, not to let things overwhelm you. Just like how the novel broke the writing process down in stages instead of just throwing one's self right into the writing of a lengthy project.
 When it comes to writing, whether it be essays, poems, or short stories I am very detail orientated and descriptive. I believe this is the artistic aspects of me coming forth into my work, trying to make clear visuals. I am looking forward to this class to help me to worry less on description and more on plot. I know that this course will have it'd difficulties by I look forward to seeing how my work has progressed in a positive way.